Making Art Political: A Panel Discussion on Street Art and Advocacy

By State of Young Philly (other events)

Tuesday, November 15 2016 5:30 PM 7:30 PM EST

Streets Dept. and the Mural Arts Young Friends invite you to a panel featuring artists and advocates who explore how creative processes and the temporality of political issues plays a role in their public artworks. As the 2016 election season comes to a close, we are excited to hear from artists Joe BoruchowKara Springer, and Ishknits about the role of public art as a tool for advocacy and understand how the work will evolve coming out of such a heightened political landscape. Panel will be moderated by Professor Julie Hawkins. Refreshments will be provided by Victory Brewing.

Mailing Address

Young Involved Philadelphia PO Box 40699 Philadelphia, PA 19107